CB Macropanesthia rhinoceros nymph, 2cm in length5A5)@ Adult can reach 8cm+, 8~10 yrs lifespan, weight to 35g!!!!?N ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ ! $500/°¦KLMQ#} ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ I&ah ADULTS picsPJ3
Wlq)SE ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ :+ Ethmostigmus trigonopodus Blue ring leg CB nymphs $100/each2 Ethmostigmus trigonopodus Yellow leg CB nymphs $100/eachKH+&1 ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ lx adult picse$Y!
@1pG ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ Q; Phyllocrania paradoxa L3~L4 last two, all for $250E}
S8.*^ ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ P)!|- Unknown sp. 6cm+ LS $300h3[
iLsO ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ I Poecilotheria ornata 2.5cm+ LS $250HM Poecilotheria regalis 2.5cm+ LS $220l Poecilotheria pederseni 2.5cm+ LS $280f ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ (\ZB all price in HKD and welcome to drop me email for discussion.b)\ anguspok @ hotmail.com2Zc
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