A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar. !
[color=Red]Third Edition [/color]/Q=`s ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ YS9`
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* Introduction to Amphibians and Reptiles3 o Amphibians5f/vre + Distribution and biogeographyn?1 + Predation and anti-predator strategiesf1 + Activity patterns_}Ws + Life historySf9',c + Reproductive diversityc8e)`h + Territoriality and parental careU0F + Diversity of eggs and clutches9|?H>W + Tadpole diversityYWK + VocalizationsmTX{.3 + Sexual dimorphismd> + Nuptial pads?Pb + Femoral glandsq + Other glands and skin structuresQvq + Characters for species distinctionD + ColourationsO + EyesIs}-;, + Skinh + Terminal finger discs} + Metatarsal tuberclesM_Edv + Lateral metatarsalia&b^[k} + Webbing?)2z! + Hindlimb lengthr4[xq + TympanumcbTM1z + Body sizex>[ + Skeletal features931B + Threats, conservation, and future research
o Reptiles4kp% + Distribution and biogeography\%g + NutritionZ?pW' + Predation and anti-predator strategies2f.:._ + Activity patternsMnv6b + Reproductive diversityW@ + Territoriality and parental care1_ + Diversity of eggs and clutches0 + Life history\&f: + Vocalizations$ + Scent signalsKuy:X + Sexual dimorphismqGc + Characters for species distinction-SV( + ScalesK6+h + Finger and toe lamellae%8X@F* + Body size and proportionsw2IX + Colour22 + Crests and appendages[Fd/ + Limb reductionS3Mp|@ + Eyes($, + HemipenesCGtskd + Threats, conservation, and future researchF8 + Box: Chytrid fungus infection: a potential danger for Malagasy frogs
* Species accountsv9.[{ o Amphibians7B&f + Dicroglossidae_ # Hoplobatrachus
+ PtychadenidaeI # Ptychadena
+ HyperoliidaeG\ # Heterixalus
+ MicrohylidaeU@X4m, # Paradoxophyla^Ihv # ScaphiophryneD-:E&3 # Dyscophus`X # Rhombophryne0?{rcU # Madecassophryne8^v # Plethodontohyla>Ci$T_ # Stumpffia%\Y= # Platypelis"xTq # CophylaO'tF8 # Anodonthyla
+ Mantellidaev # Boophis;&X@`M # Laliostoma[XWEr # Aglyptodactylus.\Bb # BlommersiaX2 # Wakea^ # MantellaMB1ZgT # GuibemantisA_ # SpinomantisR$Z[C # Gephyromantis<d*v # Tsingymantis t~ # BoehmantisO=>& # Mantidactylus
o Reptiles< + Turtles#g#| # Testudinidaee1gp8W * Astrochelysf * Pyxis{\ * Kinixys
# Podocnemididae" * Erymnochelys
# Pelomedusidae.HpMf * PelomedusaOX}n9] * Pelusios
# Dermochelyidae] * Dermochelys
# Cheloniidae4l $i * Carettaq=%J * CheloniaX * EretmochelysON * Lepidochelys
+ Crocodiles|k_2ZH # Crocodylidaee * Crocodylus
+ Lizards and snakes*g # ChamaeleonidaeeX * BrookesiaSu * Calummao_/k_ * Furcifer
# Iguanidae1u\ * Oplurus_6 * Chalarodon
# Gerrhosauridae[wko] * Zonosaurus\O * Tracheloptychus
# Scincidae0T;d * Trachylepis18Gb * Cryptoblepharus,k> * Madascincus;8. * AmphiglossusU * Androngodfw J * SirenoscincusLy * Voeltzkowia$E * CryptoscincusZ2J * Pygomelesn/+ * PseudoacontiasS.\o * Paracontias
# Gekkonidae(NCcN * BlaesodactylusGS * Geckolepis~mz^[o * GehyraqNE * HemidactylusR * ParagehyraChk * Matoatoat'r * Ebenavia\'=! * Paroedura"n)z] * Uroplatus3CsY? * Lygodactylus0w", * MicroscalabotesQ * Phelsuma
# Boidae;.Q * SanziniaS@_M * Acrantophis
# Colubridae (sensu lato)N*6j * Madagascarophis'"Q * StenophisW * LeioheterodonF-[ * Compsophis:}a< * Brygophis":.raw * Alluaudina=,G"{ * LangahasX * IthycyphuscKT * Pseudoxyrhopus[NRLw * Heteroliodon2P_&lk * Exallodontophis^w * Pararhadinaean * Liophidiumu9pT * LiopholidophisAC2q7 * Bibilava@H)# * Dromicodryas;,|T * Mimophis
# Typhlopidae73<h> * Ramphotyphlops^G#g_H * Xenotyphlops}~ * Typhlops
# ElapidaetVwN * Pelamis
* Appendix: Additional photos and species,IUDS * References9n"z * Index$6
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