Amantis nawaiG\. ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ 2<7RIh ½Ð°Ý¦W©M²§¸õÁ®^¤åÀ³¸Ó«ç»ò¥s¤ñ¸û¦X²z¡H1.nNuA ¤S¥À¦¨ÂΦp¦ó¤À¿ë¡Hfbl ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ {2? Not yet have a comon name, I call them Black hands boxer mantiskWQK1 ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ <]l`+ With body length of about 1.5 cm only, small enough to catching attention by one's naking eyes, characterizing by the relatively short and black boxing front legs, and considered rare in Taiwan.5h ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ b zO JII `~o8Z
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