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  [³o½g¤å³¹³Ì«á¥Ñ»X­±«L¦b 2017/09/09 09:04:05pm ²Ä 1 ¦¸½s¿è]6
Long time no see ~ I'm Stunnien
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ W`i'
For a long time did not meet with everyone, due to the busy Lab works. Sometimes when I open the fans page want to write something with beetles,fsoP3
but usually I turn it off ... feel little tired and less a kind of writing power. After all, actually to select the theme it is not so simple. I ' m a perfectionist, Hands-on and sets high standards for myself.Y&n
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ GV
Although the FB¡¦s trends map is to put some pictures and not explain or write only a few lines, I also prefer to do the best rather than do the less!(J
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ ~M=D
Honesty is my most salient characteristic, I want to persist in my belief.)O/!?#
So here wants to thanked fans for this friendship and caution who following9k-
with Stunnie ~ article may only be added from time to time. 😉}p`q
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ I_
Recently, I also found that some friends also began to follow up in English and simultaneously with their breeding experience, I feel very happy about this phenomenon, after all, the future is an international network of popular popularity.,H
Have the opportunity to let foreign breeding master to see the Taiwan¡¦s feeder who share their record in the facebook, it sounds perfect!c
Also represents that everyone is willing to write their own articles to pay more time,O
I believe the overall quality and quality of the article will only get better and better ~Z3e\s5
I would like to encourage you to try it by yourself with us!;}_D.
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ X.
Make a long story short ~ quickly into today¡¦s theme.&Z;
Today Stunnie wants to share with which I bought from A Yong brother in early August.a(usP
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ G
Name: Mai Ke Di Yan Qiao (OMM)P$
Scientific name: Odontolabis mouhot mouhot[
Origin: Thailand.Chiang Rai (เชยงราย)*g>=Ac
Category: WF1(wild first generation)!
Size: male: 74mm * female: 42.6mmQhQ>K
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ ckZ5
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ F
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ 4a
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ x
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ +r6|x0
The original history of Stunnie in the bid did not mark the insects,K]
Very appreciate with A Yong brother like to part with what one treasures!5g%d4
As the market circulation less, so interested in the Yan Qiao are very worthy of collection.<5&#
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ Mf!a
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©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ )"-L
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ *5M
Currently  the couple are still in torpor~e`{l
Stunnie had tried to let the insects eat at the time after I receipt.0H|o`
Though the male and female are shortly eat jelly but they still do not eat anymore in the after.At present for the time being friends, keep waiting for the time to eat!9mZ<W
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ [W1f
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ ~m.
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ hg#7
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ R13Oj
Please continue to lock down the development of Stunnine¡¦s OMM ^ ^GVs6&2
People say: "good things worth waiting, as the pursuit of girls in general ~ and then you are willing to wait.">
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ {=qqD
Here wants to tells everyone a frustrating news,wq
That is, before the production of ¡§Chiayi Lucanus formosanus¡¨ did not lay any eggs,So this project will be closed in soon.&j-4O2
But at present there is another exciting project still in progress!3Rh/9$
Follow with Stunnine and then I will show you what it is!J!
As the Chinese say, all feasts must come to an end.{dp^k
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ az#Q
Today's Stunnine OMM come to an end. Don¡¦t forget keep tracking the "Stunning Beetle World"ft2F
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  XK
Long time no see~§Ú¬O¥v¤¦¹ç(Stunning)_fo7_V
¦n¤[¨S¸ò¤j®a¨£­±¤F¡A¥Ñ©ó³Ìªñ¹êÅç«Ç¸û¦£ªº½t¬G ±`±`¥´¶}¯»±M¼g¨ì¤@¥b¤SÃö±¼¡K$C
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