-- 作者: raymo
-- 發表時間: 2008/09/29 00:28:47am
[size=6][color=Yellow][b][font=Impact][align=center]A Field Guide to [/align][align=center]the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar.[/align][img]http://www.mvences.de/images/Mantella_animated_black.gif[/img][img]http://www.mvences.de/images/Mantella_animated_black.gif[/img][img]http://www.mvences.de/images/Mantella_animated_black.gif[/img][img]http://www.mvences.de/images/Mantella_animated_black.gif[/img][img]http://www.mvences.de/images/Mantella_animated_black.gif[/img] [align=center] [color=Red]Third Edition[/color][/align][/font][/b][/color][/size] [align=center][img]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/3107/madaih6.png[/img] [/align][align=center][u][size=5][color=Blue]書本另附尺規[/color] [/size][/u][/align] [size=5][color=Blue]******[/color][/size] [align=center][img]http://www.madagascar-library.com/images/700x700/amphibian-reptile-fieldguide3-back.jpg[/img][/align] 出版於2007年10月,經過漫長等待的第三版問世, Frank Glaw & Miguel Vences (2007): ISBN 978-3-929449-03-7. [indent][indent]-全面重寫改版出版,每頁都是全彩頁面。 -馬達加斯加的兩棲爬蟲生物學描述,全部精奇,一次滿足。 -超過700種物種的分布地圖 -超過1500張的全彩照片 -平裝,只比辭海還瘦一點XD 17 x 24 cm[/indent][/indent] [i][b][size=3] [size=5][color=Red][align=center]亞馬遜網路書局售價 129 美元(折合台幣不含運費4128元) 現在只要:台幣3300元[/align][/color][/size] **目前有庫存 [color=RoyalBlue][size=4][b]部份內頁欣賞:[/b][/size][/color] [align=center][img]http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/1601/mada1jc7.png[/img][/align] [align=center][IMG]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e252/raymomo/MADA5.jpg[/IMG][/align] [align=center][IMG]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e252/raymomo/MAD3.jpg[/IMG][/align] [align=center][size=4][color=Blue]線上電子書內頁,進入後請按鍵頭依序瀏覽[/color][/size] [url]http://www.mvences.de/pageflip/Fieldguide.html[/url][/align] 內文概要:[/size][/b][/i] Contents * Contents * Preface * Acknowledgements * Introduction o Geological history o Climate in the past o Fossil evidence o Colonization history of Madagascar o Climate and biogeographical zonation o Flora o Invertebrates o Freshwater fish o Birds o Mammals o Bats o Lemurs o Carnivorans o Tenrecs o Rodents * Introduction to Amphibians and Reptiles o Amphibians + Distribution and biogeography + Predation and anti-predator strategies + Activity patterns + Life history + Reproductive diversity + Territoriality and parental care + Diversity of eggs and clutches + Tadpole diversity + Vocalizations + Sexual dimorphism + Nuptial pads + Femoral glands + Other glands and skin structures + Characters for species distinction + Colouration + Eyes + Skin + Terminal finger discs + Metatarsal tubercles + Lateral metatarsalia + Webbing + Hindlimb length + Tympanum + Body size + Skeletal features + Threats, conservation, and future research o Reptiles + Distribution and biogeography + Nutrition + Predation and anti-predator strategies + Activity patterns + Reproductive diversity + Territoriality and parental care + Diversity of eggs and clutches + Life history + Vocalizations + Scent signals + Sexual dimorphism + Characters for species distinction + Scales + Finger and toe lamellae + Body size and proportions + Colour + Crests and appendages + Limb reduction + Eyes + Hemipenes + Threats, conservation, and future research + Box: Chytrid fungus infection: a potential danger for Malagasy frogs * Species accounts o Amphibians + Dicroglossidae # Hoplobatrachus + Ptychadenidae # Ptychadena + Hyperoliidae # Heterixalus + Microhylidae # Paradoxophyla # Scaphiophryne # Dyscophus # Rhombophryne # Madecassophryne # Plethodontohyla # Stumpffia # Platypelis # Cophyla # Anodonthyla + Mantellidae # Boophis # Laliostoma # Aglyptodactylus # Blommersia # Wakea # Mantella # Guibemantis # Spinomantis # Gephyromantis # Tsingymantis # Boehmantis # Mantidactylus o Reptiles + Turtles # Testudinidae * Astrochelys * Pyxis * Kinixys # Podocnemididae * Erymnochelys # Pelomedusidae * Pelomedusa * Pelusios # Dermochelyidae * Dermochelys # Cheloniidae * Caretta * Chelonia * Eretmochelys * Lepidochelys + Crocodiles # Crocodylidae * Crocodylus + Lizards and snakes # Chamaeleonidae * Brookesia * Calumma * Furcifer # Iguanidae * Oplurus * Chalarodon # Gerrhosauridae * Zonosaurus * Tracheloptychus # Scincidae * Trachylepis * Cryptoblepharus * Madascincus * Amphiglossus * Androngo * Sirenoscincus * Voeltzkowia * Cryptoscincus * Pygomeles * Pseudoacontias * Paracontias # Gekkonidae * Blaesodactylus * Geckolepis * Gehyra * Hemidactylus * Paragehyra * Matoatoa * Ebenavia * Paroedura * Uroplatus * Lygodactylus * Microscalabotes * Phelsuma # Boidae * Sanzinia * Acrantophis # Colubridae (sensu lato) * Madagascarophis * Stenophis * Leioheterodon * Compsophis * Brygophis * Alluaudina * Langaha * Ithycyphus * Pseudoxyrhopus * Heteroliodon * Exallodontophis * Pararhadinaea * Liophidium * Liopholidophis * Bibilava * Dromicodryas * Mimophis # Typhlopidae * Ramphotyphlops * Xenotyphlops * Typhlops # Elapidae * Pelamis * Appendix: Additional photos and species * References * Index