- 昆蟲論壇 (http://insectforum.no-ip.org/gods/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: alexhuang 日前發現姬兜蟲蠻可愛的,想要養各種姬兜,而我聽過的姬兜有蘭嶼姬兜、印尼姬兜、泰國姬兜、菲律賓姬兜、巨無霸姬兜,請問各位大大還有那幾種姬兜,怎麼分辨呢?
-- 作者: jefferyccy
[這篇文章最後由jefferyccy在 2006/11/07 03:05pm 第 1 次編輯]
-- 作者: 蟲蟲小艾 還有綠島.黑金剛...等等,我個人最喜歡棕毛及黑金剛.除非特徵明顯,不然要分辦各種姬兜蠻難的.(比較容易分辦的有黑金剛.棕毛.綠島.蘭嶼,巨無霸至於其他種我就不容易分辦了)
-- 作者: alexhuang
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]蟲蟲小艾[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 02:57pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
-- 作者: MAKOTO
-- 作者: michelle
[這篇文章最後由michelle在 2006/11/07 03:27pm 第 2 次編輯] 謝謝大大
-- 作者: alexhuang
-- 作者: 蟲蟲小艾
-- 作者: alexhuang
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]蟲蟲小艾[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 03:35pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
-- 作者: 小小蟲
-- 作者: alexhuang
-- 作者: 蟲蟲小艾 嗯...沒錯是馬來西亞的.
-- 作者: Yang
我手上的是 2000 年舊資料 [i]Xylotrupes gideon gideon[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon lamachus[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon sumatrensis[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon australicus[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon ulysses[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon clinias[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon kaszabi[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon siamensis[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon meridionalis[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon muniszechi[/i] [i]Xylotrupes gideon philippinensis[/i] ------------------------------------------------- 養成使用學名的好習慣 今日臺灣中文蟲名的低俗 ( 能 ) 化
-- 作者: alexhuang
-- 作者: Yang
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]alexhuang[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:12pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 知識不可能通通記在腦子裡
-- 作者: 小小蟲
-- 作者: alexhuang
-- 作者: jefferyccy
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]小小蟲[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:17pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
-- 作者: bliss0920
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]alexhuang[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:12pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 每篇文的右上方有數個操作選項, 要記得善加利用喔!
-- 作者: neptunus
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]小小蟲[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:17pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
-- 作者: yoshi
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]neptunus[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 06:33pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 姬兜 很可愛 我也有養
-- 作者: thebest75213
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]alexhuang[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 04:20pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 個人覺得這是一個很恐怖的想法..@@"
-- 作者: alexhuang
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]bliss0920[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:51pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
-- 作者: alexhuang
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]thebest75213[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 10:36pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
-- 作者: shane
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]Yang[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:00pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
-- 作者: shane
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]Yang[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:00pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] Xylotrupes gideon gideon Xylotrupes gideon lamachus Xylotrupes gideon sumatrensis Xylotrupes gideon australicus Xylotrupes gideon ulysses Xylotrupes gideon clinias Xylotrupes gideon kaszabi Xylotrupes gideon siamensis Xylotrupes gideon meridionalis Xylotrupes gideon muniszechi Xylotrupes gideon philippinensis Xylotrupes gideon tonkinensis Xylotrupes gideon celebensis Xylotrupes gideon sondaicus Xylotrupes gideon baumeisteri 網路上找的 有錯請更正
-- 作者: shane
[這篇文章最後由shane在 2006/11/09 01:55am 第 6 次編輯] Xylotrupes gideon australicus 澳大利亞 大陸網站的資料
-- 作者: Kooka 這個屬需要修訂了... :em06:
-- 作者: Kooka 幾年前的局部修訂: Silvestre, G. 2003. The [i]Xylotrupes[/i] of continental Asia (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Coleopteres 9:19-35. Abstract: The [i]Xylotrupes[/i] from continental Asia and Sri Lanka are studied, discussed and illustrated. [i]X. meridionalis[/i] is raised up from synonymy with [i]X. gideon[/i] and [i]X. mniszechii[/i], [i]X. socrates[/i] and [i]X. taprobanes[/i] are raised back to full species level; [i]X. g. kazabi[/i] fall into synonymy with [i]tonkinensis[/i], considered as subspecies of [i]X. socrates[/i]. Two new sub-species, [i]X. socrates nitidus[/i] (from the Andaman Islands) and [i]X. taprobanes ganesha[/i] (from south India), are described. Silvestre, Guy. 2003. [i]Xylotrupes[/i] of New Guinea, Australia and Oceania (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Coleopteres 9:151-162. Abstract: The [i]Xylolrupes[/i] from New-Guinea, Australia and the Pacific region are studied, discussed and illustrated. [i]X. ulysses[/i], [i]X macleayi[/i] and [i]X. australicus[/i] are recognized as good species, with [i]lamaclurs[/i] and [i]asperulus[/i] as subspecies of [i]X. macleayi[/i]; [i]X. gideon s:ekessyi[/i] is synonymized with [i]X. macleayi[/i].
-- 作者: kinowi
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]Yang[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:00pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 今日臺灣中文蟲名的低俗 ( 能 ) 化 [/quote] 這就是為什麼會有 翹翅閃亮 稀少毛象 稀少鋸鍬 雲頂兜蟲
-- 作者: thebest75213
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]kinowi[/u]在 [i]2006/11/09 11:03am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 到時候手頭的蟲缺公或缺母就寧願斷種不願借種了 :em19:
-- 作者: Kooka
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]Yang[/u]在 [i]2006/11/07 05:00pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
-- 作者: Kooka 近年相關的分類文章... 幾乎全是一個人寫的 :em06: [b]Rowland, J. M. 2003. Male horn dimorphism, phylogeny and systematics of rhinoceros beetles of the genus [i]Xylotrupes[/i] (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera). Australian Journal of Zoology 51:213-258.[/b] A phylogenetic analysis performed herein suggests that [i]Xylotrupes[/i] is monophyletic and is composed of six lineages, which are treated as discrete species. The taxon [i]Xylotrupes gideon[/i] of previous literature is shown to constitute five species. Explicit rationale, including morphological diagnoses and evidence of reproductive isolation, supports a new, readily testable taxonomic scheme that recognises the following species: [i]Xylotrupes florensis[/i] in the Lesser Sunda and Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia; [i]X. meridionalis[/i] in Sri Lanka and India; [i]X. ulysses[/i] in Sulawesi, Moluccas, Australia, Papua New Guinea and Melanesia; [i]X. pubescens[/i] in the Philippines, Sumatra and Sulawesi; [i]X. mniszechi[/i] in south-central and south-east Asia and China; and [i]X. gideon[/i] in west Malaysia, Borneo and the Indonesian archipelago from Sumatra through the Lesser Sunda Islands. Subspecies are recognised in some of these taxa and are based upon geographic and phylogenetic partitioning. [b]Silvestre, G. 1997. The [i]Xylotrupes[/i] of Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Coleopteres 3:123-133.[/b] [b]Silvestre, G. 2004. Supplementary study on [i]Xylotrupes[/i] from Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Coleopteres 10:175-187.[/b] The status of the different [i]Xylotrupes[/i] from Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo is precised. [i]X. beckeri[/i] and [i]X pauliani[/i] are raised back to species level, and two new subspecies, [i]X. beckeri intermedius[/i], et [i]X pauliani dayakorum[/i] are described, discussed and illustrated. [b]Silvestre, G. 2002. The [i]Xylotrupes[/i] of Java and the Lesser Sunda islands (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Coleopteres 8:253-265.[/b] The subspecies of [i]X. gideon[/i] from Java and Lesser Sunda Islands are discussed and three new subspecies are described ([i]X. g. sondaicus[/i], [i]X. g. sawuensis[/i] and [i]X. g. lakorensis[/i]). [i]X. inarmatus[/i] is raised from the synonymy with [i]X. gideon[/i] and a new species from Java, [i]X. faber[/i], is described.The genus [i]Endebius[/i] is discussed and raised back to validity for [i]X. florensis[/i]. [b]Silvestre, G. 2003. [i]Xylotrupes[/i] of Celebes and Moluccas (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Coleopteres 9:91-101.[/b] The [i]Xylotrupes[/i] of Celebes and Moluccas are studied, discussed and illustrated. [i]X. lorquini[/i] and [i]X. baumeisteri[/i] Schaufuss are raised to species level, with [i]falcatus[/i] Minck as subspecies of [i]X. lorquini[/i]. A new species from Moluccas, [i]X. stritopunctatus[/i] is described. [b]Silvestre, G. 2002. A new species of [i]Xylotrupes[/i] Hope, 1837 from the Philippines (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Coleopteres 8: 247-251.[/b]