- 昆蟲論壇 (http://insectforum.no-ip.org/gods/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: johnny4235
-- 作者: Goliathcp
-- 作者: johnny4235 In the compound eye of invertebrates such as insects and crustaceans, the pseudopupil appears as a dark spot which moves across the eye as the animal is rotated. This occurs because the ommatidia which one observes "head-on" (along their optical axes) absorb the incident light, while those to one side reflect it. The pseudopupil therefore reveals which ommatidia are aligned with the axis along which the observer is viewing. compound eye複眼,invertebrate無脊椎動物,crustaceans甲殼動物,pseudopupil偽瞳孔,ommatidia小眼,optical axe光軸,incident light入射光 抱歉我試著整段翻成通順的中文可是失敗了:(
-- 作者: Goliathcp
[LIKE=johnny4235;源;悠閒小蟲;eric71903;=LIKE][這篇文章最後由Goliathcp在 2012/02/26 08:02:41pm 第 1 次編輯]